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PANGO MUSIC, est.1988,make any guitar for you!
PANGO MUSIC, make any guitar for you


#15642 Order, Based on PRS-719 Kit, Made by Dean Lincoln (UK)

#15642 Order, Based on PRS-719 Kit, Made by Dean Lincoln (UK)

"Looks great

This is mine went with a blue finish I changed the pickups as the ones that came with it were too close 0.5 between them so I got 7.2 and 15k which I could swap the tone pot for push pull tone pot allowed for coil taping build quality very good sounds wonderful I also had to change the bridge as the paint on the original couldn’t allow for earthing"

#15642 order, finished guitar photos, made by Dean Lincoln (UK)

Based on PRS-719 guitar kit.

PRS-719 kit link as following:

Previous article Some Collections, Owned by Edward Meier

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