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PANGO MUSIC, est.1988,make any guitar for you!
PANGO MUSIC, make any guitar for you


#14049 Order, Based on a Custom Design Kit, Made by Mick Standen (Australia)

#14049 Order, Based on a Custom Design Kit, Made by Mick Standen (Australia)

"I had you good folks make me a Bass/Mandolin kit.
Well, it’s with great pleasure the guitar is finished.
Attached is some photos. It plays so well."

#14049 order, finished guitar photos, Made by Mick Standen (Australia)

Based on a custom design kit, now it is our fixed guitar kit, PTM-157

This custom design kit link as following:

Now this custom kit is our fixed guitar kit model, PTM-157:

Previous article #14557 Order, Based on a Custom Design Kit, Made by bruno bertato (Italy)
Next article #17071 Order, Based on PYX-002B Bass Kit, Made by Cody W Jefferies (USA)

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